chART 10th Birthday

chART Children's Hospice Arts is Ten Today!

On this day back in 2011, chART Children's Hospice Arts was co founded with close friends, Carol Bromley, Suzanne Price and Jackie Hassall. We had no idea where it would take us, or how many children and young people we'd be able to help, armed only with limited funds and determination to give it our best shot!
Over the past decade, we've established links with hospices and become a registered charity helping children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families, to enjoy Arts related experiences. Its been truly rewarding and humbling to see the difference these can make.
Check out our social media pages over the next few days where we'll be sharing more about the charity, how we started, fundraising activities, including some exciting projects we've been involved in, the amazing hospices and the special families we work for.

We'd like to start by saying a HUGE heartfelt thank you to every single person who has supported us, from those who have given their time to the children, and signed items for auction, to those who regularly share and like our posts. We couldn't do any of this on our own and really appreciate your help. Please join with us today as we wish a very happy 10th birthday to chART!!!

Lots of love Carol Suzanne Jackie & all at chART HQ xxx


Children's Hospice Arts (chART), 65 Whitton View, Rothbury, Northumberland, NE65 7QN +44 1669 620629 or +44 7876 550314

© Copyright chART Children's Hospice Arts 2020, registered charity in England and Wales (1167129)